Learn When That Hot Twitter ID
You've Been Waiting For Becomes
You've Been Waiting For Becomes
Available to Grab!
In my case, while @kim was taken by someone actually using it (good for her!), other derivatives of my name or brand name were all being “squatted”. Either they were intentionally being held by someone to keep them out of play – or – they had been registered by someone that rapidly got bored with twitter. Either way, they were not in use and yet were not available!
Twitter has a policy of freeing up unused accounts after approximately 9 months of no activity. However, keeping track of these accounts and “babysitting” them until they come free can be a royal pain in the ass!
So, it was a pleasant surprise this morning to get an email from TweetClaims.comwhich is a free service I signed up for a couple months ago.
Twitter claim is a super simple signup, and they do a once-daily (free account) check on up to 10 twitter IDs you wish to be notified of when they become available. As soon as the ID is seen as not existing (meaning you could register it), they send you a brief email.
That’s all there is to it! Sign up at Tweet Claims for free, and wait to get your email!
In case you haven’t heard, I moved from @Ask_KimC to @Ask_Kim … and would like to move once more to @AskKim but that may be a while off.
Great tool, go check it out and let it babysit those squatted accounts so you don’t have too!
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